From the design and engineering services to mass production, we provide services with high added value throughout the life cycle of the product, boosting our clients’ growth.
As experts in technologically advanced sectors with highly complex products, we offer high technical performance, innovative production solutions, dedication, and a solid level of service, guiding our clients through their projects.
In our ongoing search for perfection we are in constant evolution, improving our capacity and skills, redesigning our processes, innovating in solutions, and investing in the most advanced technology. Our brand is synonymous with quality.
With over 40 years’ experience, we have detailed insight into the past and future challenges of the electronics market. This knowledge allows us to get ahead and anticipate opportunities and solutions which we then pass on to our clients.
Value Added Services
In an unsettled world with accelerated change you need highly specialized professionals. Our qualified team provides clients with high added value electronic services with innovation, efficiency, and precision.
Full Solutions
From the definition of technical specifications for the design to mass production. We provide a comprehensive service throughout the life cycle of the project. You decide how much help you want from us.
We are an extension of our client. We provide the support they need, when they need it. We see ourselves as a strategic partner with dedication, transparency, and honesty that they can count on to reach their goals.
IA Speak, un sistema que ayuda a hablar a personas con daño cerebral
Dentro de nuestra especialización en servicios de ingeniería electrónica en el área de medicina, desde nuestro centro tecnológico ELANG ENGINEERING p [...]
Exposición Industria Navarra
Formamos parte de la exposición "60 años de industria en Navarra en 60 hitos", organizada por AIN - Asociación de la Industria Navarra con motivo de [...]
SpainSkills 2024
Enhorabuena a nuestro compañero Eduardo Losada por la medalla de Oro en electrónica en las Olimpiadas de FP Spainskills 2024. [...]
Patrocinadores del Club Ciclista Azkoien
Nos estrenamos como patrocinadores del Club Ciclista Azkoien. Desde FALCÓN ELECTRÓNICA os animamos a que participéis en los recorridos que se realiza [...]